Friday, August 1, 2008

Orchard Days

Can I just say that I have never done a children's parade before, after that said, Albie wanted to go and she wanted to decorate all of their bikes for it. Look really close in the picutres, Albie's has a few crape paper strings hanging from her bike; Garrett's spiderman fourwheeler has crape paper wrapped around the handles; and Haylie's wagon was the firt one done so it has a few more strings hanging on it. The parade lasted two blocks long, but the kids ( I should say Albie) loved it!

Albie wanted to dress up in her cheerleader costume for the ride!

Since Albie was a cheerleader Garrett wanted to be a football player, but he didn't want to wear his helmet so who really knew what he was dressed up as. We had charged the battery to the fourwheeler the night before, but when it came time for the parade it really wouldn't work so Garrett hopped in the wagon with Haylie.

We rode the two blocks and then had popcycles at the park. Thanks to the five people who sat along the parade route to cheer on the kids in the parade!


marostica-fam said...

That looks like fun! I remember doing that when we were little.

Jill said...

Kids love parades. Love the costumes!

lorraine said...

Nat, I'm glad your kids wanted to do that. I think it was your mom that wanted you kids to do that...and you did!!

Colt 'n Tami said...

SOOOOOOOOOO cute! Love you guys. Miss ya like CRaZy! Give 'em a squeeze from me! Wahoooooooooo! COME VISIT!!!