Friday, August 1, 2008

Tuttle Campout

Sorry, I don't know how to post a lot of pictures in the order that I want them; anyways, this is Grandpa and Scott helping with all the fish that we caught! Thanks, the kids loved it!

Jill is always the creative one and she brought stuff to tie-dye shirts for the kids, they loved it. It was so much fun to see th edifferent creations that you can make; not two shirts looked the same. Way fun Jill, thank you so much!!

The finished product! Aren't the shirts so cute!!

I think the kids favorite part was riding the rino and the fourwheelers! I know that every second Garrett was trying to get someone to take him for a ride on the "Blue" fourwheeler. Albie and mom loved the rino. Haylie would take her naps when you would take her for a ride, and Mark I think wants to get one for himself.

The annual Tuttle campout this year was in Fairview, it was so much fun. All but one of my dad's siblings were there, everyone in our family except Kellie and Tracey, and then my cousin Eric and his kids were there. We had a lot of fun. I think the best part is the food, you can't beat dutch oven food, thanks dad and brothers! We started off without Mark, I was braving tent camping with the three kids, Mark was gone to Idaho for the week for work. On Friday afternoon we were getting ready to tie-dye shirts and Mark showed up out of the middle of nowhere. What a surprise!!! We were so excited!

We went fishing the first morning and the fish were biting good! Rainbow sparkle powerbait was the best. As soon as the kids were put their poles in the water a fish would be caught. We kept grandpa busy loading the poles! I think every kid caught at least one fish!

When it was Garrett's turn he decided he didn't want to reel it in, mom got to help him!

When it was Albie's turn to reel her's in she said it was too hard, so mom stepped in again to help reel it in, you would have thought the the fish in this lake were huge by the way they tugged on the poles, but when you brought them out of the water they were little minnos. Still, so much fun for the kids!

Even Haylie was able to reel in a fish with the help of Ashlee, thanks! Haylie loved every part of fishing, she even wanted to touch her squirmy fish after she caught it, that was the cutest thing ever, she touched it then jumped back, so cute!!

The successful day of fishing couldn't of been possible without the help of Grandpa and Uncle Scott! Thank you so much, too bad the second day of fishing we didn't catch a thing!!


marostica-fam said...

Looks like a fun time! Wish we could have made it. There's always next year!

Jill said...

Wow! What fun! I have to agree, the food is a highlight. I am craving those potatoes right now, to bad I have to wait until next years campout.

lorraine said...

That was fun!

Colt 'n Tami said...

halla... .what a fun fun fun time. never a dull moment when we're all together!!!! hope ya had a blast in AZ. love ya and miss you guys tons already!!!!