Thursday, March 27, 2008

Second Honeymoon

We ate at a place on the beach called "Le Tub" It was on Oprah's 25 best places to eat last year. It was decorated with toilets and tubs; it was kind of crazy, we had to wait an hour for our food, but it was really good!

Mark and I were able to go to Florida for a whole week without kids (thanks mom!) Citi Financial sent us out there for Mark's work. We had a great time. Our hotel was right on the beach, it was a 5 star hotel and it was beautiful!. We spent our days soaking in the sun by the pools and shopping a little. It was a lot of fun. The only bad part of the trip was the day we came home. We were suppose to land in SLC at 10:30 am and instead we got home at 11:30 pm. Let's just say we were glad to be home. the kids didn't even miss us Albie and Garrett said they wanted to sllep at Grandma's for 100 nights!! Thanks again mom, I know they were taken really good care of.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Oh, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous! I am going to have to hear more about this fabulous eat! What a cute couple!